Grape bunches are closing, harvest soon
Infact even in July when the summer heat should have meant we could have a break from keeping the vines free from fungus we still had rain and heat, rain and heat. As only our second year with our vines it was a steep learning curve to keep the vines safe.
Now, moving into the end of August it is great to see healthy grapes bunches on the vine, they are still filling with juice and the bunches are gaining weight and closing up. Right now the day temperature is around 32, but in the evening the temp is dropping to 18 to 20 degrees.
Rain is expected in the coming days, it might be what the vines need to bolster up the juice in the grapes, they still need some more time on the vine and in the sun to really get the sugars created, and we hope that with another 2 good weeks, we should harvest soon.