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Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine

Limited Edition WineIn the heart of Tuscany, where rolling hills meet the shimmering Tyrrhenian Sea, lies a winemaking legacy that encapsulates the essence of the Maremma region. Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine stands as a testament to the rich history, meticulous craftsmanship, and unparalleled terroir of this captivating corner of Italy. Join us on a journey through the vineyards, cellars, and flavors that define Capricci’s Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine.

Capricci, the Epitome of Limited Edition Tuscan Wine

Capricci has earned its place among the finest limited edition Tuscan wines, revered for its full-bodied IGT Toscana Rosso. Crafted with precision and passion, this wine embodies the very spirit of the region.

The Wine that Defines Excellence

At the heart of Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine lies the IGT Toscana Rosso, a masterpiece composed of 90% Sangiovese grapes. Sangiovese, often hailed as the king of Tuscan grapes, lends its expressive character to this exceptional wine. A harmonious blend of 10% other red and white varietals completes the canvas, weaving together a tapestry of flavors.

The Terroir, A Unique Expression of Maremma

Mandorlaie, a picturesque locality within Scansano, Tuscany, serves as the birthplace of Capricci’s grapes. Here, the vines, some aged over half a century, flourish in a terroir that imparts distinct characteristics. The blend of clay and sandy soil, combined with an elevation of 350 meters above sea level, creates an environment that is truly unique.

Winemaking Craftsmanship

Every step in the creation of Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine is a testament to meticulous care and unwavering dedication. The journey begins with hand-harvesting, an art that places emphasis on individual bunch selection, ensuring that only the finest grapes make their way to the cellar.

The controlled fermentation process, conducted at 25°C, is complemented by a generous 10-day maceration with the skins, allowing the wine to develop its character. As it matures, the wine is aged for 12 months in stainless steel vats, preserving the essence of the fruit. Subsequently, it spends an additional nine months in French Oak barrels, infusing complexity and elegance. Finally, a three-month period of bottle aging completes the transformation.

A Symphony of Taste

Pouring a glass of Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine is an invitation to savor the essence of Maremma. The wine’s robust body and strong structure make it a splendid companion for a variety of culinary delights. Pair it with antipasti of crostini and cold cuts, or elevate your pasta dishes with flavorful sauces. Serve it at a temperature of 18°C, and enjoy it in a 750ml format.

The Significance of Maremma in Tuscan Winemaking:

Maremma, a coastal region in Tuscany, has gained recognition as a powerhouse in the world of Italian wine. Its unique combination of climate, geography, and geology creates an environment that is exceptionally suited for viticulture. The Maremma region enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with warm, sunny days and cool nights, which is ideal for grape ripening. The proximity to the sea also imparts a maritime influence, enhancing the complexity of the wines.

The clay and sandy soil of Maremma provides excellent drainage for the vines, preventing waterlogged roots and promoting healthy grape development. The region’s diverse topography, ranging from hills to coastal plains, further contributes to the character and diversity of its wines.

Capricci and the Maremma Sangiovese Experience

While Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine shares its Sangiovese heritage with other Tuscan wines, it possesses distinctive qualities that set it apart as a true embodiment of Maremma.

Capricci proudly carries the IGT Toscana (Indicazione Geografica Tipica) classification. Unlike DOCG wines, IGT wines have more flexibility in grape varieties and winemaking techniques. This classification empowers winemakers with creative freedom, resulting in wines that express the essence of the land and the artistry of the winemaker. Capricci’s terroir in the Mandorlaie locality imparts unique characteristics to the grapes. The blend of clay and sandy soil, combined with the elevation above sea level, creates a distinct flavor profile that captures the essence of Maremma.

Capricci follows a meticulous winemaking process, including individual bunch selection and careful aging in stainless steel vats and French Oak barrels. This process contributes to the wine’s complexity and elegance, reflecting the region’s commitment to quality and is a brand with its own identity and heritage. While it draws inspiration from the Tuscan winemaking tradition, it represents a unique expression of the Maremma region.

Discover Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine

For those seeking to discover the allure of Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine, the journey begins by connecting directly with the winemaker, Tenuta Le Mandorlaie. Their secure online shop offers a gateway to the world of Capricci, where delightful offers await those eager to savor the essence of Maremma in a bottle.

About Tenuta Le Mandorlaie

Tenuta Le Mandorlaie is more than a winery; it is a legacy of craftsmanship and flavor. Nestled in the Scansano area of Tuscany, Italy, Tenuta Le Mandorlaie is renowned for producing exceptional IGT wines and IGP extra virgin olive oil, each reflecting the unique terroir of the region.

Capricci Maremma Sangiovese Limited Edition Wine, with its captivating IGT Toscana Rosso, stands as a testament to the artistry and tradition of Tuscan winemaking. While it shares the Sangiovese grape with other Tuscan wines, it offers a distinct and delightful experience that is uniquely Capricci. Explore its world, and embark on a journey through the flavors of Maremma, where each sip tells the story of a land shaped by history and nature.

Our IGT Toscana Limited edition Wine

Running the Farm estate of Mandorlaie is my full time job, ensuring that the grapevines, olive trees and vegetable garden is all healthy and producing excellent products for our clients. We produce Organic extra virgin Olive Oil and Organic wines which you can buy online.