Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.

We love our planet, we all live here together, work here together and thankfully more recently more of us have started to understand how small changes on our planet have a big impact on all of our lives. There has never been a more important time to do all we can together, to help reduce waste, to recycle more, to think about our purchases and to reduce the co2 released into our atmosphere. Making small changes has an impact We know that we can all make small changes to our lives and take actions that when combined have an effect on the environment around us, whether it be recycling, reducing our

There are always jobs to do around the farm With so many jobs you think we would be working non stop, well its not far off that but we always make time for the work that really needs doing. This work includes clearing areas of weeds and brush whilst leaving enough for the wildlife or to act towards making soil, as well as getting the vegetable garden ready to take the new seasons fast growing seedlings, clearing any dead wood and cutting/storing for next winters fire, monitoring the vines and the olive trees and working on house projects and maintenance. One of our favorite jobs is planting trees There is nothing better

Help support our Organic farm and be active in reducing carbon, adopt an olive tree today to be planted on our farm in Maremma Tuscany. so what are the benefits of planting more olive trees? each olive tree will retain up to 10kg of carbon per year produces extra virgin olive oil reduce ground temperature through shade reduces erosion provides habitat for birds and wildlife, and strengthens the natural environment around us When you adopt an olive tree, we will be planting 2 two trees when you adopt one tree and are committed to ensuring that we also continue to add plants that increase bio diversity. Right now is the time

Do you want to help support our farm and help the environment? You can by assisting us to plant new Olive tree's thus increasing the amount of carbon our managed farmlands can absorb. Right now everyone is doing as much as they can to reduce their carbon footprint and slow the global warming that is occurring. At Tenuta Le Mandorlaie we have land available that is perfect for the planting of olive trees, the right soil and conditions that our existing olive trees love. Adopt an Olive tree in Italy We have put together a great adopt an olive tree in tuscany adoption plan, where you get amazing benefits while