Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.

Harvesting Olives, when? When we start to see the olives changing colour from green to black, we decide when to harvest olives. The trees in our land are separated by distance, location and some by altitude and all these individual or combined factors, lead to differences in; heat cool access to sea breezes humidity changes Machinery used for olive harvesting in our Olive groves In order to move forward with new technology and to help us work more efficiently, this year we invested in lithium-ion powered harvesting tools, these harvesting head tools are mounted on poles giving us up to 3.5m height in order to harvest the top

We always like to leave the natural habitat in the olive groves alone, not disturbed, we know it is home to so many animals, insects and flowers and having a healthy ecosystem I think goes a long way to reducing any need for pest control, we let nature do the work. Before the olive harvest we like to cut the grass to facilitate laying of the nets and basically navigating the olive grove and this year due to the early spring rains, that occurred very frequently, the grass really got some good growth in with some grasses growing up to 2metres. Laying the nets is very time consuming, so prior

After the hectic time of the grape harvest, where we harvested all our grapes which are now fermenting and are fast on their way to becoming Tenuta Le Mandorlaie's first Reserve wine, its now time to do some maintenance around the olive trees in readiness for the olive harvest. We never forget how hard our olive trees are working, first they to choose to flower over making more foliage, and then they choose to hold onto the olives that are right now increasing in size and getting ready to harvest and be made into our incredible extra virgin olive oil. This weeks work is cleaning under the olive trees,